It shouldn't matter who you love. However there does appear to be a compelling trend by black male, and black female celebrities rejecting potential partners from their own race for other ethnic groups. why ????? (Interracial Dating)
The above question is not my question. Nevertheless, it is a very good question.... I hope Van Stone can be of some help to answer your question. Please don't attack the person for asking a question. It's not a hate question... It's a LOVE question. And that's alright with most people I know.
Ahhh! Romance; roses; "love makes things happen... you never know who you're going to love;" you never know where love's going to come from... "am I Black or White?, am I straight or,"... you get the point.
Things can appear to be a little mixed up when if you are thinking or even talking about romance.
Here's only one of many answers... it's not a trend by Black males and Black female celebrities rejecting potential partners from their own race for other ethnic groups.
Partners- who are romantic or not romantic- choose one another.
Adults do what they have been doing ever since they were children in school... the adults choose their own partners to participate in anything as a competitor or as a spectator.
Romantic match makers... demand to partner a particular person with another particular person. Whenever the match maker's decision is rejected it is the match maker that begin to create false reasoning why two people will not partner.
Race... Black Americans... there is no such thing as potential partners from their own race.
Blacks in America don't consider themselves -one single self-identifying ethnicity.
For some strange reason... many people in America, including other Black people try to force and demand on all Blacks in America that they will consider the Black race one single self-identifying ethnicity,
Each Black person in America is of peoples who are of different multi-ethnic backgrounds and societies
African Americans, for instance, share a common American ancestry and culture... African Americans have a different history depending on each individual African American family story.
Black People are of different international societies living in a society in America, etc...
There are so many different societies of Black Peoples in America that a well known Black American Professor helped to create what is called Black History Month....
Black History Month originally helped the other American citizens to know and understand that you can't force Black Americans to be all the same.
Black Americans are the most unique and diversified Peoples of America.
Black People are both citizens and permanent residents of America.
Just like Jews are a race of white peoples who are different... German Jews, Polish Jews, etc... However, the Jewish race has sub divisions of the race.
There is no such thing of Black Americans and subdivisions... and there will never be such a thing with Black Americans....
Black Peoples true family history is all over... reaching within the 7 Continents of the World.
And finally, when a Black male or Black female accepts a romantic partner -from another race- it's actually common sense choosing of a mate.
When all peoples are a part of the Black race in America in some kind of way becoming a romantic partner with a Black male or Black female never made any difference to anyone... except for the match maker.
The more important question is... is the match maker racism?
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